This site is dedicated entirely to the craft of writing. It is the site owner’s hope that others will contribute. I will post my thoughts and invite dissent, contrasting views, nuanced commentary, and other types of discourse (Free Indirect or otherwise). All comments will be posted, so long as they are on-topic: how can we as writers do better at using the written word to transfer our thoughts into the mind of the reader.
I cheerfully confess to being a wrong-minded dunderhead who ought to have his pencil broken, so it is not necessary to point that out, unless you really feel it necessary. Just keep your comments civil and make sure your arguments are clear.
JD Rule, Lubec Maine
Note to the Honest Reader: This is a moderated site, meaning your post will not show until the moderator (me) approves it. I absolutely loathe doing it that way, but it is the only way I can keep the pirates off who only want to sell cell phone services or used cars. I will not censor those who disagree with me, but I will respect their time by not subjecting them to ads for pimple-cream. Anybody who has moderated a site understands that the ratio of those who would sell readers bogus drugs or bootlegged jerseys to those with legitimate comments is unfortunately high.
My guideline is simple. If your post includes content that is actually responsive to something that I or another have previously posted, it stands. If it simply says something like “Hey, nice site. Really cool stuff,” then I bounce it as quickly as I can. If your link says you are in the business of selling weight loss medications, you are in the wrong place.
If you want to reach me directly, my address is
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